Eet – Stilleben betyder Stilla liv (2012)

size, sculpture placed on floor (M): 1,0 x 1,5 Size, Thread installation hanging from roof (M): 3,0 x 2,5

EET (AKA Stilleben betyder stilla liv) 2012

I have worked the textile material in different ways to create tension within the sculpture. The graceful threads and silk face heavy, dark braids and cut fabric. The richness of details attracts me. My intension is to create a duality. A space that are both unpleasant and safe at the same time. The concept of State of Mind was my starting point for this sculptural installation. A work that embodies my perception of a mental space and tells about blurred borders, disconnection with reality and the sensation of something uncanny.

This is my master work from Steneby.